🌱 Origin story

Mai and Ben, long-term crypto believers, started working on building a community for people to learn about NFTs and crypto in 2021. They realized that there were so many people like their friends who were crypto curious but didn't know how to get started, especially women. As NFTs are one of the best applications for newbies to get into the space and bring a wider range of people, they started building an NFT project called Curious Addys – a risk-free, 100% refundable educational project to build a community for people to learn and teach about Web3.

After they launched their project, they realized that there was a huge issue in the NFT space. Soon after they launched their NFT projects, they received many inquiries for development and audits, especially for PFP projects, as the developer resources in Web3 were very scarce and expensive. They helped out their friends, such as Zeneca and Amber Vittoria, worked with World of Women and Universal Music Group, but felt bad that other creators, especially the ones who needed help the most, were unable to start their creator journey because of this barrier. This trend worsened after entering a bear market, as no developers would take the work without a high pre-paid fee since selling out a collection became exponentially more difficult. Seeing this issue and talking with all their creator friends, Mai and Ben wanted to use their engineering skills to help creators and make the process easier and more affordable, and that's how they decided to build HeyMint.

🍬 What is HeyMint?

HeyMint equips creators with all they need to launch and manage an NFT collection. Our platform provides an all-in-one solution, from art generator and smart contract generation to allowlist management and mint website creation, eliminating the need to hire a developer. Our goal is to foster an environment where creators in the Web3 space feel supported and can focus on their mission, art, and community, without worrying about technicalities.

Most Comprehensive

Our platform is all-encompassing, catering even to blue-chip projects with many advanced features.

Art Generator

Unlike many tools, ours includes a built-in, comprehensive art generator enabling creators to actualize their vision. Import layers, set rarity, add custom rules for special cases, and add custom tokens for team members or loyal community members.

Smart Contract

We cover both standards (ERC-721 and 1155), all major EVM chains (Polygon/Arbitrum/Optimism), on-chain royalty enforcement, and advanced features like Soulbound, Burn to mint, Free claim, Staking, Loaning, and refunds. Even blue-chip projects can use our platform (Zeneca launched his ZenChest collection using burn to mint and free claim).


We've built the largest free allowlist manager tool in the space, used by major projects like The Sandbox. We cover all social requirements (Twitter/Discord), wallet requirements (wallet balance, token ownership), email, password, custom questions, and have a pre-save feature for Spotify. We recently launched a Discord bot to simplify the process for announcing allowlists and winners on Discord and have added a creator identity verification process for added security.

Mint Website

We offer two different solutions for creators to build a website. If creators don’t have a website, they can quickly set up a customized mint page. If they already have a website and want to maintain the branding, they can create a custom mint button and embed it on their pre-built website. We accept fiat payment as we want more people with no experience with Web3 to join the community they want to be part of.

If you are interested in comparing us with other tools, check out here.


We provide the most cost-effective and straightforward NFT deployment process available, using less gas, fewer transactions, and offering more options than any other platform. Our competitors require five transactions to accomplish only a fraction of what we can do in a single transaction, setting up everything for a creator. Our deployment costs for ERC-721A contracts are 15% cheaper than Zora, 25% cheaper than Bueno, and range from 5-100%+ cheaper than Manifold, depending on the variety of tokens creators intend to make (for a single token, we're 5% cheaper; for four tokens, we're 100% cheaper; for eight tokens, we're 200% cheaper).

You can learn more details here.